Thursday, December 17, 2009

十月围城 Bodyguards and Assassins

Yes, Fan Bing Bing and I are both wearing the same Zara jacke... on Twitpic

From left: Andy, Director Teddy Chen De Sen, me, Liang Jia Hu... on Twitpic

十月围城 is an excellent movie. go catch it. Opens in cinemas Dec 18.


  1. karen1:13 PM

    wow this movies look gd

  2. Anonymous9:39 PM

    hey peifen! i want to ask where did you guys get the bicycle in So Simple season 1? The one in beige and a basket. Sorry for the irrelevance.

  3. hey.. you two are wearing the same blazer.. so coincident.. what is the brand of your blazer.

  4. peanut-toes: we got it from Muji. :) no worries about irrelevance. i'm touched that u still remember that show.

    fiesta: zara :)

  5. Anonymous11:44 AM

    i ♥ SO SIMPLE! i wished there will be season 3! :D

  6. cool. I haven't watch it yet . gonna watch it this weekend i guess.

    being a dj is so awesome . you get to meet super cool people.

    i realised that pf and fbb wore the same outfit.

    jiayou peifen
