Friday, October 28, 2005

For Soccer Fans Only

This is hilarious!!

for those who've heard it on class 95, well, it's worth another laugh...great work by the people at today fm (irish radio station) who produced it!

Check 'em out --> Jose The Special One & Jose The Special One 2

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Time flies

Wow. it's already the end of oct...
when i was a school girl, days seemed to pass more slowly than they do now. i remember having to painfully scrape through the last week or so of each month because i'd spent all my money and had to wait till the following month's "pay day" to get my next allowance. Nowadays, ironically, as much as i welcome pay day, i wish it'll take its time to come...i wish i could live each day before pay day as fully as possible...i wish time wouldn't take flight so precisely without so much as giving me a chance to appreciate every minute, every second...
anyway, this month's pay day has passed again and so it means the end of the month. november's coming...which means Singapore Hit Awards is coming too! are YOU part of THE annual star-studded music event?

got a taste of chinese new year yesterday. went for photoshoot and song recording for next year's mediacorp CNY album (which made me hate my own singing, but let's not go there...). loved the mini tee i wore for the shoot! there were 3 cute beagle puppies on it (coz next year's 狗年)...reminds me of the beagle that stays at one of the mansions around mediacorp. he's a brave wanderer! his owner actually lets him run freely around the neighbourhood, and according to some makeup artists, the adventurous beagle can even cross the overhead bridge to macritchie reservoir for a jog on his own! amazing how he never got clever!

beagles are so cute and intelligent, i simply have to put a picture of the cutie pie here.

ooh...i'm tempted once again to get another doggie...but i can't! doggies are a huge's like giving birth to a won't have the time nor money to take good care of new doggie...sigh. BUT i already have yuan yuan! he's the cutest and smartest doggie in the world...i love yuanyuan! :)

had lunch at a place called 快乐屋@ suntec today...but 快乐屋 did not make me 快乐 at all! the combination of not-so-good food and bad service and long waiting time certainly did not make my meal there a 快乐 affair...after indicating our orders on the form provided, my friend and i tried to hand the form to woman at counter. but woman at counter was more interested in yelling at her auntie colleague than serving us. i mean, hello? at least acknowledge your customers' presence and take the order form instead of totally ignoring them? after quite a while, she finally gave up yelling (i think auntie was asking her about a missing order but other than yelling, woman at counter didn't provide much help to auntie in distress), and finished fiddling with her cash register, and attended to us, all this while without even so much as casting one look at us or being apologetic about making us wait. rude pple should not be treated nicely. so i ignored her when she handed me the receipt. she held it in mid-air obviously right in front of me, but i pretended to be occupied with something else. in the end she had no choice but to treat me like i exist and ask me to take the receipt...

sometimes i wonder y ppl can't be nice to others who are nice to them...i guess not everyone has a good day and our moods can't always be good, but i feel it's only right to be as pleasant as possible to innocent parties who have nothing to do with our bad moods. why spoil someone's day just because i'm unhappy when everyone could be happier if i could just forget about my own unhappiness and be nice?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

What's wrong...

with my blog? i also come the words cannot see one...hmm...*wonders*

Sunday, October 23, 2005

SRA 2005

i must say...altho the food at shangri-la came in posh puny portions, i reallie loved it! i got such a huge sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in being able to finish everything that was on my plate! it's a great place to host dinners...good service, great ambience...i'm thinking of having my wedding dinner there...*dreams*

anywayz, 1st of all, YAY!!! 933 clinched the FAVOURITE CHINESE RADIO STATION award!! YIPPIE!! YAAHOO!! Thanks to all of u who voted!! We reallie couldn't have done it without u... :))))

AND, congrats to Cruz, who is 933's favourite radio personality!

Congrats to Mary too...for being Carlsberg's friendliest radio personality!

Music Diary won the Best Radio Show Award!! All credit goes to Lingzhi...and i'm stressed!! how to keep up the good work?? *worried, clutch hair*

the 933 table was one of the noisiest...we just kept screaming and cheering whenever we heard the emcee mention anything about 933...haha. think the wine contributed to some of our craziness.

A big heartfelt "THANK YOU" to everyone who did vote for me, be it for the SRA or the Friday Weekly poll. Thank you very very very much for your support!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Poor doggie...

Play Dead: Dog Diagnosed With Narcolepsy
Poodle Diagnosed With Narcolepsy, a Rare Condition That Makes Him Sleep in Mid-Activity

The Associated Press

CHUBBUCK, Idaho - What should be some of a dog's greatest joys in life have become Skeeter's worst nightmare. Food, a chance at chasing a squirrel, going for a walk, or even an opportunity to sniff another dog all have the same effect on the 11-pound toy poodle: he's out cold.

"He has no personality right now," Shari Henderson told the Idaho State Journal. "It is scary. I don't want him turning into a couch pillow."

The condition, narcolepsy, is extremely rare in dogs and has fascinated Skeeter's veterinarian, Walter Rowntree of Bannock Animal Medical Center in Pocatello. The condition is so rare, Rowntree said, that there are no statistics available about its prevalence in dogs.

"I called four or five colleagues to brag that I'd diagnosed a narcoleptic dog," said Rowntree, who first examined Skeeter on Oct. 11 because of an enlarged lymph node.

The condition is more common in humans but has been documented in some dogs, horses, ponies and a single Brahman bull. It is caused by a disconnect between the normal sleep-wake cycle, triggered by excitement that causes the afflicted to go from being awake straight into a deep sleep. In humans, strong emotion triggers attacks, and dogs have strong emotions about eating, Rowntree said.

Stanford University researchers who studied a narcoleptic group of Dobermans discovered the dogs all lacked a certain brain protein involved in wakefulness.

With Skeeter, initially, only the sight of food triggered attacks. His condition has progressively gotten worse, and Rowntree hopes the human medication he prescribed for Skeeter on Tuesday Ritalin and an antidepressant will help restore Skeeter's normal routine.

Rowntree also notified faculty at the veterinary school at Washington State University in Pullman, Wash., who requested video footage of Skeeter.
Skeeter once spent his afternoons roaming the fence line in the Henderson's one-acre yard. When Shari's husband, Darrell, took him for two-mile walks, he pulled on the chain wanting to walk faster.

Now that Skeeter falls asleep in mid-trot, the Hendersons place him in a stroller for his customary walk.

Skeeter can no longer eat regular dog food, so the Hendersons hand-feed him cooked vegetables and lunch meat. To keep Skeeter awake during the meal, they hold up his back legs and massage his neck.

Aside from the danger of falling asleep in mid-activity, Rowntree said narcoleptic dogs can live as long as healthy dogs.

But Rowntree also noted that there's no joy for a dog who can't stay awake to experience the things he once loved to do.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Brand new look! - behind the scenes.

Thanks to all for the positive response with regards to this blog's face-lift!
here're some questions answered:
1. How did i change the blog background?
  • i basically took an existing template from and changed the original background pics to my own custom designed ones to create a new background. sounds cheem? NO! if i (a html idiot) can do it, anyone can! (well, actually i had help...) just click on the template tab and go search for the background part amidst the html gibberish and change those .jpg / .gif files to your own. if u wanna see what pic u're changing, just copy the whole file name, for eg "http://www.blogblog.bkgd.jpg", and paste it in a new internet explorer window to see wat pic it is. it takes some time to find the right file, but it's quite simple once u get the hang of it. and once u know how, u can custom design any blog template!

2. How did i create the title bar and photo album?

  • did that using macromedia flash...dabbled with it in uni so roughly know how to create simple flash animations. if u have the programme, just go online and search for flash user help...think there're many flash tutorials available online. but before u can see your new background / flash animations on your blog, u need to host the stuff somewhere online 1st...wonder if can host at blogspot...?

haha...i feel honoured answering your questions...actually i dunno much about creating websites...i'm no expert lah...*blush*

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Brand new look!

i did it all by myself! *gives myself a pat on the back*'s time to sleep...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Procrastinator


i'm supposed to be working hard on a project now, but i can't bring myself to do it.

maybe i'm stressed. or just plain lazy.

for tasks that have to be done out of responsibility and not interest, i'm the kind of person who thinks there's all the time in the world until there really isn't. but i won't panic. i will only work myself to death trying to finish what i have to do. which really is unnecessary coz if u think about it i had so much time to do it slowly but because i procrastinated, i ended up having to work myself to death (or almost). so i'm really the one who is to blame.

so all those stuff are still lying on my table glaring reproachingly at me, but i'm like

and when time finally runs out and i look like this

that's when i'll do something. cheers.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

my take on...


surreal. want. man-made. relative. consequence. responsibility.




macdonalds happy meal. hellokitty. book buddies! tikam machines! cute stuff. wanna expaND my collection!

Love and Relationships...


觉得把 "我爱你" 挂在嘴边没诚意, 却又老是嫌你没说你爱我.
希望你时时刻刻照顾我, 保护我, 却又怪你没给我足够自由.
想要独立自主, 却又责骂你没帮我做主.

睡眠不足的我, 很难搞.
承受压力的我, 很难搞.
肚子饿坏的我, 很难搞.
每月一次的我, 很难搞.

谢谢你, 还爱我.

Supporters of this blog...

Thanks thanks and more thanks! :)
P.S. to someone who asked...yes! i remember who's koo xiuling...classmate in st nicks sec 3 n 4 faith 96/97...

Unidentified beings that post vulgarities on my blog...

GET LOST. (i do hope they understand normal human language.)

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Man U vs Fulham

Final score: 3 - 2 to Man U.
Just one thought: what did the stupid commentator mean by saying Park wasn't good in the 2nd half?! does he expect every player to be spectacular every minute in the game?? and for goodness sake, Park was one of the few running almost everywhere...unlike some strolling lazy bum called nistelrooy...

Man U vs Fulham

After the 1st half...

Ferdinand sucks!!

Man of the match: Park Ji Sung! (his name should b on the scoreboard, NOT nistelrooy. bleah.)