Allow me to introduce the latest addition to this blog, my newly adopted virtual pet, Woofie! *applause*
you can see her right there, on the left sidebar. isn't she just adorable...the loveliest sweet pink puppy ever!
thanks to faith (who posted a comment long ago, wonder if u still visit this blog?), just happened to click on your nick and visited your blog, saw your adopted pet and decided to get one myself. :)
woofie has something to say too: woof! woof! thanks for voting my owner as your fave DJ in the latest friday weekly poll! she's very happie about it, and celebrated by buying me yummy treats! *licks* & don't forget to visit da tou fen's blog @! woof!
(you can point your mouse in any direction within woofie's box to get his attention, or click on the treats box to feed him, or click on the "more" tab at the lower right corner to play cute!)
p.s. saw many comments on me taggie board. thanks for all the encouragement and compliments...all your precious words of kindness have gotten me through good days and bad...and the recent poll results on friday weekly has come as such a pleasant surprise for, sincerely, thanks, thanks and more thanks. :)