Sunday, August 28, 2005
Nyx castle lives on!!
*applause* *cheer*...and maybe some *boos*?
haha...well, for those who've alwiz been supportive, thanks thanks and more thanks...hope this piece of not-so-new news is good news for u. for those who simply can't stand me/my voice, erm, well, i can't do anything about it! 小女子只不过是想混口饭吃, 我还得养自己, 家人和爱犬圆圆啊...
for me, no change is more good news than bad...of course i won't mind trying something new (i've been stuck with nite shifts for 2 yrs, looking more and more like a panda now, and 眼袋大过眼睛 liao), but i'm getting kinda comfy with the freedom and ease of doing the late nite show...feels like i'm having a nice get together with friends...when i get calls/smses from pple i know, it's like catching up...when i get calls/smses from 1st timers, it's like getting to know someone there's basically no other time-belt that allows me to chit-chat with listeners/talk rubbish/tell jokes that are not very funny/play silly games/tell ghost stories (for ONCE i can actually scare people without being scared myself) except for the late nite shift! so, YAY! u'll still be hearing me on Nyx's Castle every Mon to Fri, 11pm to 2 am. whether u like it or not. :)
oh yes! the Singapore Radio Awards voting campaign has begun! don't forget to vote for Yes 93.3! for those who have voted, thanks! for those who haven't, vote now! (or soon!)
P.S. <<--- rewind to last thurs
hosted yida's campus concert at nanyang poly. enjoyed myself very much! i must say i was very impressed by the hospitable and thoughtful student helpers who organised the concert...thanks for making the evening reallie fun! guess i should be able to see u guys and gals again the next time i'm there for another campus concert...ooh and thanks too for the NYP's reallie nice! wah now schools oso coming up with all kinds of collectibles...not bad not bad...i can start my collection...
Friday, August 26, 2005
To: members of the fan club
This special thanks is going out to those who contributed to the scrap book...your words of encouragement mean a lot to me...
Thank you all so much... :)
it's picture time!
so here's a picture story of tai tai high-tea day with my dearest friends on the 20th of August, 2005.

Yummy!! Goodwood Park Hotel's famous durian pudding!! The best i've ever's all the essence of a durian stuffed into that small bowl! Mmmm...
What's a high-tea session without the pretty tea lady?
Why is it called HIGH-tea? Coz u lift it HIGH off the table to drink...*bleah*

Posers unite! The tai tai pose!
The high tea ladies...check out that huge durian behind!
P.S. Thanks for the great afternoon gals...looking forward to our next gathering!
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Dear Evelyn...
Friday, August 19, 2005
Sharing my joy!
they say good things come in small packages. this time, it came in a small and flat envelope.
i've got tix to Quidam!!
*big smile*
Yippie...yippie...yayeee...yoo...when i heard that cirque was coming to singapore for another performance, i was soooooooo tempted to buy tix to watch...but, sigh, the ticket prices of course made me think twice. and three and four and five and six times. and i even wondered if i should announce on air that i reallie wanna watch the show coz Cruz did something like that not too long ago and someone heard him and offered him national day preview tix! haha...but of course i didn't. now i don't need to!!
a million thanks to the kind and generous angels who secretly left the envelope in my pigeon hole and gave me such a pleasant's kinda like charlie finding willy wonka's golden ticket...
oh well...but last nite wasn't exactly the happiest for some...
watched superstar's results show while doing my shift (disclaimer: this cannot be counted as skiving; i was keeping up with the latest news)...when it came to reviewing xinhui n junyang's journey throughout the competition since auditions, my heart went out to them and i couldn't help but tear a little. (smsed one of the superstar crew and blamed the show for making me so emotional while i was at work :P) if u're saddened by either of their departure, look on the bright side. having come so far, they've achieved so much...not everyone gets a chance to realise their dreams, but they did and they made full use of that one chance. so let's wish them the best coz it's not the end, but a new beginning!
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
sigh. i feel bad. when i opened an envelope not too long ago and saw the figures on my latest credit card bill, i was struck 1st by horror, then amazement, and now, guilt. sigh.
just a gentle reminder to all shopaholics out there...try and curb it. u know, the urge to buy something. anything. just be good and stay at home to avoid the temptation...coz i can assure u, once u get out there into the lustrous world of shopping, u'll be too overwhelmed by all that razzle and dazzle and before u know it, u've spent your entire month's salary and are lugging huge bags full of crap home.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
I'm well again!! Finally!!
haha. never felt so happie getting well.
u know, things always don't happen at a time when they're supposed to. like at a bus stop, the bus u're waiting for never comes 1st. but one day when u decide to go elsewhere and take another bus, it miraculously shows up before all other buses! OR let's say 4D. every week without fail, undaunted by long queues and stormy weather, u visit ur lucky lottery shop and buy a set of numbers. but one day u decide to give up this gambling vice of yours and stop buying...surprise, surprise! your set of numbers is 1st prize!!
it's just like me getting sick. for the past few weeks i've been feeling reallie tired and needed a good break, but coz of work and other commitments i couldn't just hide at home and hibernate...until last week, when i was a little less busy, i started to feel not quite right...the kind of feeling u get b4 u fall reallie i took a day's MC to stay at home and rest, knowing this week will be reallie busy with outdoor shows and filming and i can't afford to fall sick...BUT. but. but. sigh. after taking MC on thurs and feeling ok on friday, things took a turn for the worse on sat...and sun...and mon...and tue...boohoo. call it untimely. i think my body purposely sabo me.
monday was the worst. woke up at 7 am for photo-shoot at 8 am...after that rushed down to city hall for filming...whole day run here run there under the sun...until i felt weak in the knees and had a headache...filming ended at 8 pm but that's not all for me...after a 2 hr dinner break at home, it was back to work at 933 from 11 to 2am...haha...i find myself pretty amazing...
of course, after that my body couldn't take it anymore and i had to rest on tuesday...slept like it was the end of the world...slept like there's no tomorrow...felt great! never had the chance to get sooooooooooo much zzzzzzzzz without being rudely interrupted by the dreaded shrill of stupid handphone alarms...
something cute happened while we were filming where in singapore episode 3...we were about to break for lunch and waiting for the bus to pick us up from raffles city (me, kailing - the contestant, weijun - the celebrity guest and our producer geng wei), so we shopped at robinsons to kill some time and enjoy the air con. our producer, as usual, was happily chatting away about how several generations are required to produce really beautiful women / good-looking men, and i was just tagging along feeling a little blur coz of the flu and a little hungry coz didn't eat much that morning...somehow, after a while, i realised that our producer wasn't with the 3 of us anymore. ok, maybe he went to the toilet. so we'll just wait for the bus to take us to lunch. 10 minutes passed...then 20...still no sign of bus or producer or any of the crew members...and we finally realised that we had been left behind. the best part? we didn't have our handphones nor a single cent on us coz all our belongings were on the bus. the even more best part? the others will probably not know that we're stranded until after their lunch coz there were 2 buses and not everyone was eating together, so one group would assume we're with the other and vice versa. and we were soooooooo hungry!! boo hoo. luckily for us, weijun remembered his bao mu's number and she could help us contact the producer, so we went to city hall mrt station control, explained our sad plight to this kind lady, and borrowed her handphone to make the call.

Yep...that's us...the 3 lost sheep. hmm should be 2 lost sheep and one sick rudolf the red nose reindeer! check out my red and peeling nose...thanks to all the sniffing and sneezing...
<<< (rewind back to saturday) <<<
met up with a group of friends at this restaurant called menotti for dinner...though i was feeling quite sick, still went coz it's getting harder and harder to meet up with old friends and the dinner was also a birthday celebration for one of us. well, the food at menotti's pretty good. i had a gelato cake, which is an ice-cream cake, and it was yummy...refreshingly fruity in a citrus sorta way but also sinfully chocolatety. my friends ordered their set meals with a variety of starters and mains, and all were pretty good too. but good food aside, their service...SUCKED. when we got to the place, a waiter showed us into the restaurant. and that was it. yes, he showed us in. but not to a table. interesting. so we were a bit lost for a while coz, well, the USUAL practice is for a waiter to show patrons to a table and not leave us standing around not knowing wat to do. then i asked someone if we could have a table and after discussing with half his crew (like it was a huge decision to make), someone brought us to an empty table. after browsing through the menu and deciding what to eat, it was time to order. only problem was, who's gonna take our order? with so many waiters standing around looking unoccupied, u would think getting their attention was easy. but NO. they were having a better time playing with their high-tech waiter gadgets (PDA-looking devices where they record customers' orders)...and when we finally caught the attention of a not-too-bad-looking waiter, he simply waved back and continued poring over his new found toy! friends were considering not paying service charge coz bad service certainly didn't deserve to be rewarded (in fact they should've paid us for putting up with it!)...dunno if they did pay in the end coz i left early.
i was highly amused by the lack of intelligence of one particular waiter...let me tell u why...
he came to our table with two bowls of soup, and asked who were the ones having them as starters. my friend sitting opposite me (Z) raised her hand, so he placed one bowl of soup on the table where Z sat. with one bowl of soup left, he asked again who else is having it. another friend sitting further away (L) raised her hand and called for him. but for some reason, Mr i-can't-see-clearly-in-the-dark-coz-the-restaurant-is-not-well-lit Waiter didn't see L raising her hand (even though she was less than 3 metres away from him) nor hear her. since i was just beside Mr Waiter, i spoke up and pointed L to him, indicating that she was the other person having the soup. Mr Waiter looked cluelessly at me for a while, looked at where i was pointing, then back at me, and, as if he had solved THE mystery of the century, flashed a knowing smile, took the bowl of soup away from Z and gave it to L. Z stared at me, baffled. i gazed at Mr Waiter, amused. L gaped at the bowl of soup before her, confused. Mr Waiter, thinking he had the problem sorted out, went on to ask again, "who else is having the soup?"
i hope, as perplexing as the story sounds, u do realise that the very simple fact was: the two bowls of soup were for Z and L. i do not know why, but Mr Waiter, as a waiter in a posh restaurant downtown visited by tourists and professionals and the rich and possibly famous, just could not register this uncomplicated piece of information.
after our initial shock, Z and i SLOWLY explained to him who REALLY were the two mystery people having the two bowls of soup, and Mr Waiter FINALLY understood our message fully.
so the moral of the above story is, if u wish to savour good food at menotti, u'll have to brace yourself for an excrutiating battle with bad service...well, let's keep our fingers crossed and hope they'll improve with time...
ooh thanks thanks and more thanks to all who watched the 1st episode of Where in Singapore last nite! hope it was fun and interesting for u! and thanks to all your words of encouragement too! but i still think i look reallie weird on tv...hmm...
woah. this was a pretty long entry! *applause* haha...till next goes on...