i mean, seriously, i was actually nervous. and when she finally came into the studio, i was star struck.
it's like u've admired this person for a long long time and u've dreamed about meeting her in person but never once thought that dream would come true, and suddenly one fine day she just appears right in front of u. talking to u. laughing with u. listening to u. all very surreal. and somewhat intoxicating.
in my opinion, (no offence to all other very remarkable local talents) she's the best singer singapore's ever produced to date. her voice, when expressed through song, not only impresses, it has the power to intrigue, soothe, inspire. if u've seen Forbidden City or any other of her live performances, u'll definitely agree.
meet kit chan.
if u caught her interview on ge ge mei mei this evening, i do hope u enjoyed listening to her speak as much as i did. she was warm, humourous, interesting, forthcoming...traits that make an artiste a perfect interviewee, which in turn makes our jobs as DJs less stressful and so much more enjoyable. we just kept on chatting about this and that. rather than an interview, it felt more like a gathering of friends old and new.
the interview with kit will probably rank high as one of my most pleasantly memorable ones for a long time to come. but what went on off-air was just as unforgettable...kit noticed my cup, which had cat prints on it. she asked if i love cats. i said i do, and she said she's a cat lover too. i point to my earring, which is a silhouette of a cat. she looks at it more closely and remarks, with a look of genuine wonder, "wow, that's reallie pretty! where did you get it?"
i don't think kit's the kind of artiste who makes small talk just to leave a good impression or avoid gossip. she has enough status to not bother with being politely friendly, especially to someone like me, a total stranger. to be honest, i was quite prepared to keep quiet during the meeting with her coz she's chong qing's good friend and i kinda expected she would prefer to talk to him a lot more. but she was so so so soooooo nice and initiated conversations with not just gege, but me too!
before she left the studio, it was picture taking time. as i walked over to take my camera, kit, like a mindful elder sister, studied my face and said, "you should touch up on your lip gloss...i should, too!" i was reallie surprised...but also very happie coz for that moment when she spoke i almost forgot she's a celebrity (my idol!!) and thought of her as a gal pal giving me advice so that i'll look good in our photos.

after having our pictures taken, kit gave each one of us a warm hug (aaah!!), and then it was time to say goodbye.
(Kit will be performing in Forbidden City at the esplanade starting sept 8th. Her newest book, Cathy and Jodie - the Princess and the Flea, which is co-written by her close friend Siow Fern and tells the story of their friendship since being classmates in secondary school, is out in all major book stores.)
was ur earrings a pressie from me?
PeiFen , u must jia you hor ...
Really miss PJ Party ...
yeah,i agree.
kit chan totally rocks.
and so does tanya.
I love Kit Chan too! ^_^
She's so awesome! :D
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