Monday, December 12, 2005

interaction time!

heyo again!

been a long time since i last replied ur comments/tag...not that i don't read them, i do read my blog whenever i don't stop sharing what u think/feel k? :)
saw some pretty critical comments the other day...took them down coz didn't want them to cause any disputes here. but just wanna say a big big BIG thank you to lala_123456 and vinceable and xdd_rulz for your positive/defensive reactions...reallie very touched. (but no need to scold ppl ugly/loser la...not very nice...even if it's true...oops.) n to those of u who're sceptical about my gratitude to my supporters...just wanna say i may not know each and every one of u by name or face, but i am very very thankful that u even bother to listen to my programme, that u even bother to remember my name, and even more appreciative of the words of encouragement from u. thank u thank u thank u! :)))
fong: yepyep quite enjoyed 2 stress-free days without having to work...hee. but happie to be back at work too! coz slack too long oso no good...will turn mouldy one...
yong hong: still on internship? is it in india? drop me a msg or two some time to let me know how's life over there k?
jeanette: o genki desu ka? :) reallie? u got me a pressie from japan? ooh u reallie shouldn't have...arigato gozaimasu! must have had fun there ya? i went to see ur pics from the trip...the brown and white foxes are sooooooooo CUTE!
jazz: nope didn't order beer that nite coz was driving...but will try your recommendation next time! visited ur! and your popo's chicken curry sure looks yummy...

okies gotta go feed snuggie and yuan yuan beloved babies...i'll end with pictures of the 2 irresistable cuties!

yuanyuan: woof! grrrr...the ball is mine! i'll bite if u take it! grrr...

snuggie: meow! watcha lookin at?


lonelychinesegal said...

Your doggie & kitty are soooo cute !! Just like soft toys ! :)

Annie Ang said...

the doggie so cute.. hee... peifen jiayou oh.. =)

Jx said...

wow your snuggie grow so big le ah? the pic in a few entry ago, it was still so tiny! Trying to listen till 2am as tomorrow don't have diving so can be panda for a day! haha. okie. bu hao xiao. =X

Anyway I am so suprised you mentioned me on your blog. Feel delighted and happy about it. Nothing much to thank anyway. It's just facts. People get jealous of popular blogs and always try means and ways to get attention from it =)

As long as you have nothing to hide, there is nothing to fear about. Just that some people don't know what is simple repect of a blog. You don't like the person, you stay away from the blog and not posting hate messages! Haha. okie okie. dun be ah gong liao. talk so much.

Keep up your hosting! It really makes me smile and end my day feeling happy. Night and have a wonderful week ahead! =)

shou said...

haiz pf...more den 2 weeks ago...i won tat wu chu cai hong ost frm ur programme...but till now no one contact me on how to ling jiang leh...did they miss out my name or did i hear wrongly tat i was suppose to collect the ost by tat day? or is the person-in-charge suppose to call me? pls tell me... i have been waitin for the call very long liao...

Rah said...

hi pf
first time commenting on yr blog..but been reading yr wonderful entry ..heehee..anyway yr doggy n kitty is so cute lo..>.< awww..but i wonder hw the both of them lives together..haha..=D it so cute ! <3 take care pf.some ppl r just jealous of u tt why they make some hash comment on you..=)

Jacey said...

hihies peifen..dis moii 1st time leaving comment for euu..hahas.. aniwae ur doggie n cat r kawaii!! ii hv 8 doggies...hees... been supporting euu all along.. like ur natural character... cutex oso!! *ii sound les sia.. lols* haha ii send in few sms in ur programme b4.. hehe will continue to support euu de!!

heartx peiifen&zhiyong!! 933~~~

wzhen said...

hmm... first time posting a comment although i always read ur post. juz wanna say that u are the best DJ... oh ya, yuan yuan and snuggie are soo cute! =)

-=Syo=- said...

yOz pEifEn-dAjiE, Syo hEre.. oOps. miSs suM ppL oUt.. yOz sNugie & YY !! iT's a deliGhtfuL tHing 2 haV seNsibLe pEts 2 eNjOy thEir compAny. i'M sUre tHey'r tRaineD welL eNuff. qUite a piTy i havn'T gO wAtch kiNg kOng.. loL. aNyway, i deDicatE tiS coMment 2 alL tHose tAt pOsteD cOmmenTs b4; evry1 gOt jiAyOu a liTtLe iN wAt u dO.. aNything u dO, exCept baDmOuthin' iN tiS bLog.. duN calL tAt stAtin' thE tRuth..

Evonne said...

keng---pf will be doing a event of wastons @ tml..1-3pm @ ngee ann city wif liyi

Michiko said...

ermm... hi pei fen jiejie... ur ni ke shi... really cool nehh~ erm... and... ur blogskin very cute worr... and u must jia you ferr ur work wor... don give up... also... don get interrupt by all those word lah.. ok... hope to call in the... ermm... ni ke shi chan bao... to chat with you! yay~ jus wan to sae! peifen!!! you rox forever!!! stay happy always~ :))) don forget my name worr:P... haha~

-=Syo=- said...

Syo hEre.. sOri 4 miSsin' thE wAr aGainst w.a.n.. thOse tAt stooD oUt 2 dEfenD oUr dAjiE's bLog rEceiveD wicKeD veRbaL laShings agAin & aGain. tHx oUr fLower duDe & lala 4 dOing wAt's cOrrect. hOweveR, tAt w.a.n. haD suCceeDeD iN tuRnin' oUr reMarkS aiMeD toWarDs hEr iZ a faCt tAt caNnot ovErlOokeD. y dO tAt aNway ? tRuLy, woaini/huiling/wHoevEruare, iF u tHink aN inTernet DJ iZ beTter iZ yR pOint oF viEw, mEbi u'r riTe iN yR wAy. i'D liKe 2 pOint oUt u'r meDdLing iN sUm1's bLog iNsteAd & pOsteD pErsonaL iNsuLts aT suM oF uS, wAt, cAuse wE likeD a brilLiant raDio DJ wHo dOes hEr joB welL enUff tAt wE frEquEnt hEr bLog ?! gO tHrow yRseLf iNto yR jOb iF u wAnt recOgnit'n. iF u wAnt iT, wOrk fOr it. laSt bUt nOt leAst, i hOpe iF aNy1 toOk tHe tiMe 2 finish tiS cOmment, kEep yRseLf fRom responDin' 2 w.a.n.'s cOmmeNts. iT's NOT hEr bLog, rememBer ?!

-=Syo=- said...

asiDe fRom mY loOng essAy aBove, tiS oNe's 2 pEifEn-dAjiE. monDay's cOming.. eMbrAce a nEw wk ! wAtch kiNg kOng oN fRiday liAo.. 3Hrs mAn. tHe mOvie's sOo cOmpLicateD.. i tiNk thE pErspectivE thE mOvie wanNa cOver iZ bEri wiDe. hMm.. nO spOiLers riTe ?! eVry duDe (incLudin' pErsonneL, dArth YY, & nO lEss sNugie) tarrrrrrke caRe & haV a niCe dAE !! dEdicaTe tiS cOmmenT 2 thE nEwLy weDs iN mY hOuse, & hOpe i'lL haV a sunny mOrnin' 'cOz baSketbalL's thE gaMe i'lL hAv 2moRrow !!~ tiMe 2 wRite mY bLog..

Yeo Beng Hwee Alan said...

heyz peifen, i've always been a reader of your blog and this is my first time commenting. cool blog, nice layout. anyway, i think u looked pretty good during star awards, just a pity someone else won. i'm a chelsea fan btw, just beat arsenal out of the title race recently. really looking forward to the next encounter between man utd and chelsea, so we can have some mini discussion on your blog. that's all for now, take care of yourself and your pets.

p.s: visit my blog if u have time,

imperfectionist said...

wah magical flower. u are real lamE. anyway, all Deejays of 933 rawks except for some larr. only ii like de rawkks.

jeannie said...

hi to peifen..
ii guess ur blog somehow gorrt polluted lerhx..

and somehow ii guess it's norrt verii nice ferr u peeps to quarrel at peifen's blog.. treatiin this as ur msn cbattin box...

magical flower, u commented that u are a civilised ppl.. but somehow ii dun think so by seein how u type and reply back to woaini..

different ppl have different views.. u may like pf and dislike another dj..and wat if others like tt dj u hate and dislikes pf.. try to give in and norrt quarrel wiif each other ok..

PEACE ishh needed.. and ferr woaini.. ii noe u dunnch like pf.. it's ok.. cosh as i've said diff ppl have diff views.. mayb there's some parts where pf didn't do well enuf to let u dislike..

mayb u can tell her bout whr she niids to change.. im sure pf will thnx ferr ur advise rite..
realli hope that we can see peace in this blog after this post..

or mayb after u peeps seeiin moii post, there will be more cumiin up.. of quarreliin, but ii realli hope u two can HE HAO!! cosh unity ishh the worx.. believe everyone will agrees wiif miie rite..

jeannie said...

* sorrie ii made a mistake *

should be peifen didn't do well enuf ferr u to like.. so maby u can try telliin her here.. and she can change.. in order to let more people like her..

Valie. said...

WOAINI, you are such an uncivilised person polluting peifen's blog with your words.. such people SHOULD be banned from the internet world. YOOH SARKS BIG TIME.

You should go wash your hands and mouth before you comment on people's blog. I think your brain needs a wash too *sarcastically*.

I bet you are just about my age. woaini woaini woaini, WO BU AI NI. WO TAO YAN NI. QUAN SHI JIE BU AI NI.

Sorry for that uncivilised words written on your tagboard. But personally I think, Yewh shouldd change yourr attiitude towardss people. Now I personally invite you to my blog to talk talk. HAH.

You deleted your own blog because someone diluted your blog with uncouth tags. Now think about peifen. If you diluted her blog with so many mean comments, then will she have to delete her blog? Thousands of peifen's readers will cry because YOU MADE HER BLOG TO CLOSE DOWN. Think about that yourself. Change your immature thinking.


Valie. said...

Message to peifen,

please do not because of some uncivilised people and close down your blog. Ok?

慧子 said...

To magical flower, tt's very nice and considerate of u!! Heeehee.. peace -

Peifen needs more of this fans! heheehee..
Jiayou peifen! :)

Peng Ru said...
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Peng Ru said...

hello, peifen, peng ru here. first time visited ur blog, in sch, haha, jia you, we'll support u til the end...

Peng Ru said...

mind someone tellin me what is jiahui's blog??

Peng Ru said...

Aiyoh...sch life very boring leh...Arrghhh!!!! Got nothing to do, also got nothing much to comment about, but... wat's wrong huh?? the woaini?? who the hell u think u are?? if u think u r so great, don't post any comments here lah, if u r not a supporter of peifen, just SCRAM!!!

Peng Ru said...

i donno how long has this quarrel been, but magical flower and lala_123456, i'll support u whenever i can, and the woaini, u think u r so great, quarrel with me lah, i scared you'll be crying for mummy when i start...u dare come take me on...

Peng Ru said...

sorry ah, peifen, i flooded ur comments part...oops...sorry ah...

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