Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Photo essay 2: (肥)寵物篇

this is Mr Cat, who is the pet of the neighbour of my friend who lives in london whom we stayed with. he comes and goes as and when he likes, and the cutest thing about him is that he never stops purring! but he reallie made me miss snuggie very very bad...sob.

fat pigeons!

paddington bear and me! ok actually it's paddington bear's ancestor...we wanted to go to paddington station and look for a statue of the cute paddington bear and take a photo with it. little did we know that the statue was not one of the bright blue and red bear, but rather just a bronze statue of the bear that inspired the cartoon version...


Evonne said...

wahaha finally update nice pics !!!!oh ya btw leave msg in pffc forum..ahhaa..register first

juz incase u forget...ahaha

Evelyn Soo said...

yupps... paddington bear is actually bronze.. very cute hor??? haha...

gnayenelrahc said...

haha.. really a fat pigeon lol. thats nice. finally you updated ur blog :) hope to read more updates from you!

Faith said...

So cute

-=Syo=- said...

hMm... nIce cAt, niCe piGeons, niCe bEar. loLx, sNuggie's mOre cUte & sLim, unLess u iNtend 2 feD 'tiL hE's fAt ;p thE piGeoNs' realLi fAt thO loL.. aNt @$$ !!